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Buckeye Local Schools is pleased to introduce the formation of a 2024 Campus and Facility Taskforce, a dynamic initiative that fosters community engagement in addressing school facility needs. This strategic move follows the results of a recent comprehensive community survey which highlights the importance of collaborative efforts in shaping the future of the Buckeye educational environment.
Campus & Facility Task Force-Planning Our Future Together

Superintendent and Treasurer Facilities Community Interview

Buckeye Local Schools Facilities Update
Latest Developments

Browse all the facilities planning updates and announcements here.


Let's Talk Facts

Let's Talk Facts-Cost and Funds
LET’S TALK FACTS – How efficiently is the Buckeye administration operating?
Let's Talk Facts-What is Buckeye's cost per students?
Let's Talk-What happens if we wait to build a new high school?
Let's Talk Facts-How is the Nexus Pipeline helping us?
How is this plan different from the last?
LET’S TALK FACTS – Fiscal Responsibility

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Buckeye Enrollment Projections

C.O.P.'s Loan Information